- The Screaming 3D Bootstrappers (S3DBers) wikiaScreaming 3D Bootstrappers- virtual spaces for skill set sharing and education-csven
- MobiFab (Social Fabbing) Fabbing and not Grabbing (free fabrication for deprived areas)-Freelance Generalist
- Open Fab Initiative Moving the World Beyond Traditional Manufacturing-Captain Hazard
- FabHabsIf you build it, they will come.-drabiega
fabbing resources[]
- fabaloo- fabber news
- Get a Quote Now for Z Corp Printed Parts!
- the Rapid Prototyping Electronic Mailing List
- FabLab at MIT
rep rapping[]
- reprap on POnoko- acrylic laser cut parts
- build a reprap- how to build your own self replicating printer.
- reprap object library
File Formats for reprap[]
- A description of the STL file format (on Wikipedia)
- A description of the PLY file format (on Wikipedia)
- A description of the COLLADA file format (on Wikipedia)
virtual spaces[]
Virtual spaces allow demonstration and education, as well as artist studio and fellowship activities.
- DEN (the Distributed Educational Network)
- superstruct microeducation group
- Grow Community Gardens--Teach Children Sustainable Lifestyles
- Gamedemic
- Science and Design Trading Card Games
- Appleseed
Blender 3D[] resouces and updates
Blender Summer of Documentation lots of gems in the forums
Online 3D model repositories[]
models and resources:[]
for conversion to .blend files:
.blend to XAML exporter
.3ds to .blend
beyond blender[]
- SketchUp from Google the start of the google 3D world
- Multiple resources (Models and textures plus) find all sorts of resources:
catt avery Devian Art Deviant Art : my account
Deviant Art is particularly useful for gimp brushes. There are lots of brilliant artists with portfolios here and an especially good selection of anime related tools. resources lots of great models
CGTrader is 3d model trading platform, where you can buy and sell models. Also it offers nice amount of free models.
search max price = 0.0 file =.blend for free items. is an interesting idea in 3d sales, and just drifting through the items for sale you can get a lot of good ideas. Its important to study examples of models that are already worked out, and here you can see that there will be a lot of construction work in cyberspace as the virtual world blossoms.
Gamasutra exchange powered by turbosquid
Gamasutra is related to turbosquid, it is also related to
which provides 3d content to social networking services like This content is available for your friends and other facebook users to see. there are also models that are for pay and these can be purchased through ebay or through amazon.[1] This press release has more details.
- Textures
resurgure texturesresurgere at Deviant
Image*After textures and images
models[] Truly vast resource of models by Kator Legaz including architectural models and character models. This is a great place to start looking at models. Architecture models.
CGI India (not for commercial use)