Note: By necessity this page will start out with crackpot theories, wrong ideas, and untested hypotheses. The goal is to identify the difference between theories that should be tested, and case studies of actual superstructing that can be evaluated. It's fine to theorize, but try to protovate your theories as much as possible. Remember your scientific method: 1) Observe, 2) Make a hypothesis, 3) Make a prediction, 4) Test, and back to 1) Observe.
Organizational Proposal I'd like to break these out into seperate pages for discussion & experimentation. I'd like to see people nominate specific cases for discussion. This will help us to coordinate badge nominations. User:Hector Valentine
Discussion: Game Mechanics
High Ping Quotient[]
Excellent responsiveness to other people's requests for engagement; strong propensity and ability to reach out to others in a network
Seeing a much bigger picture; thinking in terms of higher level systems, bigger networks, longer cycles
- Longbroad, Inc.
Open Authorship[]
Creating content for public modification; the ability to work with massively multiple contributors
- SS Open Author Ship
Cooperation Radar[]
The ability to sense, almost intuitively, who would make the best collaborators on a particular task or mission
Fluency in working and trading simultaneously with different hybrid capitals, e.g., natural, intellectual, social, financial, virtual
- Multi-Capitalist Pigs
The ability to do real-time work in very large groups; a talent for coordinating with many people simultaneously; extreme-scale collaboration
- Ability Mob
- Various Open Source superstructures
Fearless innovation in rapid, iterative cycles; the ability to lower the costs and increase the speed of failure
Knowing how to be persuasive and tell compelling stories in multiple social media spaces (each space requires a different persuasive strategy and technique)
- K-Yin
- Voluntary Extinctionism
- Revstreaming
Signal/Noise Management[]
Filtering meaningful info, patterns, and commonalities from the massively-multiple streams of data and advice
- The Signal-Noise Management
The ability to prepare for and handle surprising results and complexity that come with coordination, cooperation and collaboration on extreme scales
- EmergenSeers
- Greenblip (In theory!)