- A force more powerful
- Algal turf scrubbers
- Airillions-Mobilizing Airillions
- Analog Superthreat Warning System
- Augmented Manipulatives
- bright green-definitions and ideas
- Bright Green ways out of the dark discussion
- bright greensuperstruct
- cradle 2 cradle
- Emergency permaculture
- fabbing
- fabjacking - remotely accessing additive fabrication units; related to fax spam.
- Fail Fast-the art of recognizing the natural conditions of problem solving and seeking success by being willing to fail in short bursts. An artistic and venture technique where you learn to fail in cycles faster in order to find success faster.
- food force
- grass roots solutions
- leapfrogging
- Ludic-informally playful, play that itself has no rules yet.
- meaningful play
- More joy per person
- New Tools'
- nochalking
- Permaculture principles
- protovation-rapid cycles of prototype innovation using the fail fast technique.designing iteravely.
- ReDS
- revstreaming or revenue streaming - trading some service for money or barter directly to clients, usually but not always in small time increments. An example is the SuperTutor! service, which connects needy students with experts that happen to be available for brief, spontaneous teaching help.
- Seastead and seasteading.org
- Second Superpower
- Squatter's Movement